CPS has raised £40,000 for charity this year

We’ve raised a total of £40,000 for the school charities this year.  We had a highly successful annual Charity Day on Monday, raising…

We’ve raised a total of £40,000 for the school charities this year.  We had a highly successful annual Charity Day on Monday, raising over £11,000 in a day.  In the  morning Form 1s slid down a water slide, Form 2s swam, Form 3s held an old-fashioned sports day, Form 4s walked to Pitch Hill and back, Form 5s had a readathon and in the afternoon Form 6s ran their stalls on Top Pitch, the Perry Quad and the tennis courts.IMG_6087

The stalls, which included many imaginative sporting challenges, pillow fights, welly wanging, a Chinese stall, tombola, nail parlour, slippery slope, arcade games, throwing the sponge at those poor teachers and the ever popular  waffles, popcorn, milkshakes and anything edible!

The afternoon’s success, with £1500 raised, means that Form 6 pupils have achieved their target to sponsor and name a guide dog in memory of their friend Austin Neve.

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Meanwhile donations of bicycles, no longer needed or broken, have been gathering on the 5 a-side pitch to be renovated and sent to different children’s charities and Form 4 raised a further £177 from their book and DVD sale in aid of Community Action Nepal.

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Not to be outdone, our parents raised a further £1000 for Home Start, Waverley from donations at the Pimms tent at Sports Day and £18,000 was raised as a result of the abseiling expedition.  Below is a list of the individual year group totals raised on Charity Day:

Form 1 £2336.50 for Theodora Children’s Charity

Form 2 £1772 for Shooting Star Chase

Form 3 £1581.50 for Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for disabled people

Form 4 £2096.25 for Community Action Nepal

Form 5 £914.02 for RNLI (plus approx.£18,000 from the abseiling!)

Form 6 £1775.74 for Guide Dogs

Pimms Tent £780.55

Thank you to everyone involved and helping to support all the different charities.

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