• News
  • 22 November 2023

Form 6 Sports Tour

On Saturday 18th November 51 Form 6 pupils headed off to Wiltshire for a weekend of sport and fun! Both the girl’s…

On Saturday 18th November 51 Form 6 pupils headed off to Wiltshire for a weekend of sport and fun!

Both the girl’s hockey and boy’s rugby played against Daunstey’s school in their respective A and B teams. They played well but Daunstey’s came out on top.

After a hearty lunch the group descended on Stonehenge and discovered the magic of the ‘Henge’ and how it has changed over thousands of years.

The group then returned to the Youth Hostel to unpack and change for the evening activities. The pupils all had great fun playing laser quest and bowling.

After a restful night the pupils refuelled on delicious breakfast and departed the hostel for a morning of matches playing local clubs with huge success.

All in all, a fantastic weekend of sport, fun, bonding and teamwork. Well done Form 6!

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