Form 6 trip to Cornwall

After Common Entrance week, I had the privilege of being part of the team of staff who accompanied Form 6 on their…

After Common Entrance week, I had the privilege of being part of the team of staff who accompanied Form 6 on their Leavers’ Trip.   Being new to CPS I had no idea what to expect but knew that the Cornwall trip is one of the many highlights of the pupils’ time at the Prep School.  

I believe that this is the 17th time that Cranleigh pupils have been to the Outdoor Adventure Centre in stunning Widemouth Bay. The trip certainly lived up to all expectations.

Unfortunately, the weather that we ordered in especially for the week must have got lost in transit.  We were lulled into a false sense of security as we left school on a sunny Sunday morning and were treated to an absolutely stunning Cornish sunset that evening.

After that it pretty much rained for the whole week! Nevertheless, the children didn’t seem to mind.  We all threw ourselves into the busy programme of activities, many of us trying new things for the very first time. We all had a go at surfing, canoeing, climbing, abseiling, coastal traversing and much more.

The activities came thick and fast, with the programme running from breakfast at 7.15am until the end of evening activities at 9pm. The children, not surprisingly, coped somewhat better than some of the staff!

I wholeheartedly believe that all of the children will have gained something from their Cornwall experience.  Friendship, teamwork, resilience, leadership, selflessness, how to put a duvet cover on, how to get out of a wet suit when you are cold without having to ask for help……….a truly fitting end to their CPS years.

On behalf of Form 6, I would like to thank Mr Halstead for organising and leading such a fantastic trip and also my fellow staff team members, Mr and Mrs Thomas, Miss Jolly, Mr Stroud, Mr Stone and of course Matron (Mrs Beever!)


June 2019



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