As their Lent Term Charity event, the Lower School children decided to contribute in a practical as well as a financial way. Wrapped up against the snow and sleet and supervised by their Form Tutors, each class participated in a ‘Sponsored Litter Pick’.
They used special litter grabbers, heavy-duty black bags and hoops to collect as much litter as they could find with astonishing results, filling approximately 10 bin bags! 2ZS even counted 270 different pieces of litter – glass bottles, plastic bottles, Costa cups, crisp packets and a rugby ball being just some of the items collected.
The children and their tutors would like to extend huge thanks to their families, friends and everyone who sponsored them; each Lower School class raised over £250 with the final total reaching just over £1600.
Emma Unwin, Head of Lower School, says “This is a tremendous achievement; the money will go a long way towards helping Plastic Oceans to continue their important work. In addition, the School environment (and Public footpath) has also benefited from the children’s time and effort. Well done indeed!”