Our three new Poet Laureates were announced in assembly last week, after lots of pupils in the Lower, Middle and Upper School had submitted a fabulous selection of poems on ‘Friendship’. Congratulations to Mathilda B (Form 6), Marni W (Form 3) and Gabriel J (Form 2).
The newly crowned Poet Laureates have been busy writing their Christmas poems, which will be shared with the other children during our final assembly on Thursday.
Mathilda B of 6Ho writes:
We’ve only had one Christmas.
It was Christmas eve;
All was enchanted with beauty.
Not a single sound is to be heard…
Marni W from 3M describes the scene and has a word of advice:
The star on the tree shines brighter than me,
And the robins outside are dancing with pride,
Hold on to those near,
All through the year.
Gabriel J, our youngest Laureate, describes the children at Christmas:
Children staring up at night
Hoping to see the reindeer in flight…
Waking up in the morning,
What’s that at your feet?
Many congratulations to Mathilda, Marni and Gabriel for achieving such a wonderful accolade.