Townsend Prize winners

The Townsend prize will be an annual prize given to people who complete an independent project that is deemed to encompass many…

The Townsend prize will be an annual prize given to people who complete an independent project that is deemed to encompass many of the different disciplines within the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths) subjects.

This year we had many entries ranging from Hexagons, computer programming to Spiders Webs.  We were particularly impressed with those that thought about their presentation and showed consideration of all the disciplines.   

The winners were Felicity H (Form 6), Jacob M (Form 4) and Tanastwa (Form 1)

Felicity produced a solar panelled fountain that was in the shape of a hexagon and was decorated with many different aspects of patterns in nature from shells, feathers and pressed flowers.

Jacob produced a fantastic video based on a birds nest growing in his garden and Tanastwa programmed a game with repeating patterns.

Mrs Tamsin Groocock, Head of Science, says ‘Many congratulations to them all for producing some fabulous, inspirational work.’

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