• News
  • 10 October 2017

Pupils raised over £800 for charity on Friday

An enormous thank you to all our pupils and parents for their very generous support, raising a total of over £800 for…

An enormous thank you to all our pupils and parents for their very generous support, raising a total of over £800 for two different charities, Disability Challengers and Little Hearts Matter.

Following the fire that took place at the Disability Challengers’ Guildford Playcentre on 10th September, we decided to have an orange theme for Mufti Day on Friday and donate all proceeds to Disability Challengers, Form 1’s year group charity.  The proceeds will go towards helping them get their Play & Pre-School services up and running as quickly as possible.

Disability Challengers originally set up in the 1970s to provide truly inclusive, fun and safe places where all disabled children and young people can spend time with their friends.  The charity now has play and youth schemes for approximately 1400 children, offering a wonderfully positive impact for families and the wider community.  Our Mufti Day raised a total of £377 for this innovative charity.

Form 3 parents and pupils also provided a stunning array of cakes, which they sold at pick up on Friday afternoon, raising over £450.  The proceeds from the cake sale will go to Little Hearts Matter, their chosen year group charity offering help to anyone affected by the diagnosis of single ventricle heart condition.

Emily Morgan, a current parent and supporter of Little Hearts Matter, says ‘I am delighted that we managed to raise such a fantastic sum from the cake sale on Friday.  I would really like to thank Penny Meadows who was instrumental in organising the cake sale and actually did most of the work. Without her none of it would have happened! 

‘The children’s enthusiasm was amazing and the Form 3 parents were incredibly supportive and generous with both their time and contributions to the cake sale. Thanks to Anna and Erica especially for all their hard work on Friday and of course to the other Form 3 teachers and to Mrs Beddison who helped organize the queues!’

Emma Lewis, Deputy Head Pastoral with overall responsibility for all charity events taking place at the Prep School, says ‘I am exceptionally proud of the amount raised in one day; a true community event.’


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